Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Baby

Can I just take a second to tell you about one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me- my Colby. (Cohen of course is the second greatest gift God has ever given me- only second in chronology not in greatness. But anyways more on Cohen on his birthday). I have no doubt Colby was made just for his Mama. Not only is he my mini-me he also speaks the same language. If you have ever read Gary Chapman's "Five Love Languages" you will know what I am writing about when I tell you that my love language is "words of affirmation." I need encouragement, I need praise, I need... well affirmation. My DH on the other hand.....well... words of affirmation is a foreign language to him (God love him.... and I love him too, but anyways). Try as he may, DH just can not seem to learn the language. But guess what? God gave me a little boy who speaks the very same language. Not only does he thrive on praise he also knows just what to say to encourage others. I will NEVER forget the time when Colby was 3 years old and while he took his nap I cleaned the house and just cried because I felt so unappreciated, I just wanted someone to say "thank you," or "good job" or something (you've had those days as a Mommy/wife.. right? anyways). Well can I just tell you that as my three year old woke from his nap and sluggishly walked out of his room the first thing that baby told me was "Mommy the house looks great!!!" Ya'll, tears are rolling as I write!!! What kid notices the house?!?!?! God used this baby to meet my greatest need!! And he has done it over and over again from Mommy you look pretty to Mommy this was the best supper ever!

He is also very dramatic like his Mommy. I just crack up when I hear him tell a story because he talks with exclamation points. And he uses phrases like "Well..." and "Guess What?" and "let me tell you what." He also enjoys being the center of attention. For those of you who attended the Awanas Graduation Ceremony last year you know what I'm talking about! I wonder where he gets that from? Hmmmmm?

My 5 year old has the sweetest heart- he wouldn't hurt someone's feelings for anything in the world. If you ask him "What do you like best- This or That?" He will ALWAYS tell you "both or if he does have a preference he will always find something he likes about both. For example I asked Colby who made the better breakfast Mommy or Daddy and he said "both, Mommy you make the better gravy and Daddy makes the better biscuits."

Colby is a great big brother. When Cohen was in my belly I told Colby that he was so lucky to be getting a baby brother because that meant that he would have a live in best friend. So even on days when Cohen is getting on his last nerve if I ask Colby "Who is your best friend?" He will ALWAYS without a second thought say "Cohen." He has been so patient to share his toys and attention with his baby brother.... most of the time.

He is very giving? Do you remember this story. I love that story! And just the other day he said he wanted to give me all his money so I could buy a new car. (I didn't take it, by the way)He is also always willing to share his food. This is NOT a trait he got from his Mommy but one that I admire greatly.

He is appreciative. This is a trait I am sure I did not have as a 5 year old but one he already possess. For example while I was explaining the Imagination Movers "Idea Emergency" to the kids at the party on Friday night and all the kids were jumping up and down with excitement Colby just shouted out Thanks for the Party Mommy and ran over and gave me a hug! We hadn't even gone inside to get the party started and Colby was already thanking me. Is that a special kid or what!!!

He loves Jesus! He is a great reminder of what child like faith looks like. When he is hurt he will ask me to pray to Jesus to make it feel better. And when we were driving home from Sean and Emily's house the day of the fire it was Colby the then 4 year old that said "let's pray for James Patrick's house" it took the kid to remind us adults to turn it over to Jesus.

Thank you for letting me take the time to write about just a FEW of the things that I love most about my favorite 5 year old in the whole world. Thank you Jesus for entrusting me with such a special little boy.

Happy Birthday Colby!


  1. Wow, that is SWEET! You just about had ME crying and I don't even know your kid. I mean, a preschooler who praises his mom for cleaning house? Unheard of! You've got a wonderful little young man there.

    I'll be at the library this morning--you going?

  2. Niki that was so sweet! Happy Birthday to Colby

  3. Jennifer- I have to go to a American Idol Task force meeting at the chamber to ask permission to have my little shin dig at 10 so I won't be there today. Wish me luck!

  4. Okay, so I'm all misty on this one, too!!! Niki- isn't it SO amazing how God gives us exactly what we need? It may not be our timing or venue, but he is so faithful!! Frankly, I'm just praising God today for such a precious Colby! And the boy loves to sing- what more could you ask for? Loved this post!! Makes me hug my baby even more today! =)

  5. Sweet, sweet thoughts! Precious! What an amazing gift our children are! Thanks for sharing, Niki!
