Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Me, Tom, and Jesus

Ok enough of you requested to hear (or read... whatever) the conclusion to my imaginary run in with Tom Cruise last week, soooooo here it is. (If you have no idea what I'm talking (or writing....) about go here to catch up).

Let me start by officially going on record for saying "I have NEVER had a crush on Tom Cruise," Even during the "Top Gun" phase of his career, he just didn't do it for me. Of course my list of celebrity crushes could be the topic of a whole new post; I've had some weird ones that I can't even explain the attraction- I mean Scott Hamilton, the figure skater?!?! What was I thinking.........

I write all that to say, even though Tom has never been the object of my affection for some reason when I am practicing my future encounters with a celebrity Tom is ALWAYS the first star that comes to mind. Weird, huh?

Ok so here is how my daydream usually works out:

I am at a post office checking my PO Box (note: I don't have a PO Box, nor have I ever had one but for some reason this scene takes place in the post office- funny, I am only now questioning why this daydream ALWAYS has me at a Post Office.....). Well unbeknownst to me Tom is also in this post office, incognito- of course. Well I must have had a very happy or peaceful look on my face because Tom walked right up to me and said "I can't help but notice you have such a look of peace about you. What is your secret?" At this point in the story I sometimes recognize who he is and at other times I am still clueless to his true identity but my response is always the same- "Jesus, Jesus is the reason I have peace."
At this time Tom gets offended and starts preaching to me about Scientology or whatever he practices (to be honest this does not occupy a lot of my dream time because I don't know enough about the "religion" for Tom to pose a great argument and I typically don't take the time to research something just for the sake of my imagination). At the conclusion of his rebuttal (by the way- while he is yelling at me I am just standing there listening with the most peaceful, angelic face) I very calmly ask- "Do you have peace?" and sometimes I ask "Are you happy, Tom?" This stops him cold in his tracks. At this point he becomes a weeping mess. He says "No, no matter how much money I make or how famous I am or how high I climb on this quest for immortality with Scientology I never feel at rest. I am always seeking something." To which I say "Tom, what your seeking is Jesus. He is your creator and the one and only True God. You were created to love and adore Him, to worship Him and Him alone. And until you accept this your soul is going to continue to wrestle you. But here is the good news, Tom- Jesus loves you, and he wants you to join his family. He and only He can give you the Peace, indescribable Peace, that you so long for."
At this point Tom begins to get excited and he pulls out his checkbook. He says, "Yes that is what I want! Tell me how much it costs and who I make the check out to." At which point I say "Oh Tom, you can't buy it" Tom says, "Oh! Then tell me what I have to do to earn a spot in God's family." "Tom, there is absolutely nothing in this world you could do to possibly EARN God's love." Tom begins to look really discouraged. At this point I step in and tell him the "Good News" God's offer for eternal life with Him, salvation, acceptance into His family is absolutely FREEEEEEEE!!!!! All you have to do is believe and accept his FREE gift of GRACE through his son, our redeemer Jesus Christ!
At this point I walk him through the "Roman Road" and guess what? Tom leaves that post office with a look of indescribable peace.

The daydream ends with the boys and I having a play date with Suri. The boys play while Katie lets me go through her old clothes and take what I want!!!!! And there you have it. Congrats to those that endured the whole post!


  1. You always amaze me Niki! But I love that you gave Tom all the answers. (and of course that you got all the awesome clothes too!)

  2. Soooo funny! I read this on my phone today and was cracking up:)... wouldn't it be great if Tom read this and actually come to know Him.

  3. Love the ending! I wonder what size shoes she wears....
