Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!!!

I DID NOT chop my finger off!!!! Ahhh what a relief right?!?! Sorry for the drama BUT I had been looking for a way to tell you.... and then about a month ago the whole April Fools idea came to me.... and well, the rest is history. Soooo many of you are probably wondering "How did she make her finger LOOK like it was missing? Was her finger bent back? Some type of clever optical illusion?" NO! The reason my finger looked like it was really missing is because..... IT IS!! Unfortunately I don't have a cool story to go along with the missing appendage (like I chopped it off while making a fruit salad, or I lost it in a bowling ball, or it got caught in a fan, etc...) I simply was born that way. Yep, lucky me!

Mom says that I was very fortunate because the bands that wrapped around my right ring finger while swimming in her womb typically result in missing limbs sooo I feel very blessed to just be missing a finger. The finger.. I get; But what's up with my fat middle finger and the head on my pinkie? Sorry, but I'm going to show you another picture so you know what I'm talking about....

Forgive me while I take a minute to pretend like my finger deformities are the most fascinating thing you have run across today on the World Wide Web and answer some questions that I might want to know about a girl with a missing finger:

Question: What was it like growing up without a finger?

Answer: Great Question... First let me just tell you that I was painfully shy as a child- so naturally anything that would make me stand out in a crowd was not only embarrassing but also terrifying. So I got real good about hiding it. I knew how to hold my hand just right so that no one would notice. I can remember one time, however, that a girl in my class noticed my finger and backed away from me like she was scared of me..... Yeah, that'll scar a kid! No really, I'm over it!... Really! However, that isolated incident did contribute to my fear of boys. I can remember being scared to death of "going out" with a boy because he might want to hold my hand....oh don't feel too bad for me, my fear of boys had a whole lot more to do with my fear of kissing then hand holding. (More on my kissing woes in February 2010).

Question: What did your husband say when he first noticed your finger?

Answer: Oh that's a funny story... I'll tell you my FULL love story in February 2010

Question: Does your missing finger affect (or effect, whatever..) your activities of daily living?

Answer: Not at all. I write with my missing finger hand, I type with my missing finger hand, and luckily my wedding ring goes on the other hand... so it's all good. The only thing is I stink at throwing a football, but luckily the NFL does not recruit women so again, It's all good.

Question: What do your kids think about your missing finger?

Answer: Well this is where I am at a real advantage. Whenever my boys start to do anything the least bit dangerous I just tell them.... "Don't _____, (fill in the blank: run with scissors, climb on the lawn mower, play with knifes, cross the street without holding mommy's hand, etc.) How do you think Mommy lost her finger?" (Technically this question is not a lie, however, I agree it is a questionable parenting tactic). Unfortunately, my almost 5 year old is getting a little too smart. A couple of weeks ago I told him to "stop playing with Daddy's drill gun because he could really get hurt. Just look at what happened to Mommy." Colby just looked at me and said "I thought you lost your finger when you fell off the trampoline" BUSTED!!

Comment: Niki, I can't believe I never noticed your finger before!

Answer: That's what they all say.

Question: Why did you decide to blog about your finger?...

Answer: Well, it is a part of my life so I knew it would eventually come up on DRS so I thought April Fools would be a fun way to do it. Plus, with so many oh so cute blogs out there, I thought maybe just maybe a missing finger could make mine stand out just for today... what do you think? PLUS! I'm always looking for ways to get comments........ Just kidding! (kind of- I really do love comments!)

Comment: Niki, You are AWFUL! You scared me so bad when I thought you cut your finger off- I did not stop praying for you all morning.

Answer: I truly am sorry for any stress I caused anyone over my April Fools Joke-but prayers on my behalf are always appreciated and never go to waste.

Ok, I am going to stop having this pretend interview with myself now.

You never know what your going to get on Wildcard Wednesday.... Maybe next week I'll show you my 6th toe!


  1. This is so true. I've known you since 1996 and don't think I knew about "the finger" until you were pregnant with Colby. It took me a good year to stop thinking how I never noticed. We worked side-by-side in a cramped little diet office forever, erasing menus, etc..& I NEVER knew. You're a sneaky one. Anyway, I got the biggest kick out of this today. I want to see the toe.

  2. Niki, I am so glad you cleared up "the finger" issue. When I saw the post yesterday I was quick to tell the other girls at work it had to be April fool's b/c I have noticed your finger before. For some reason I have never had the nerve to ask you about it. (I guess b/c you're such a scary person!)Anyhow glad to have the years of wonder cleared up!!
