Saturday, March 14, 2009


Really? Am I the only one with random thoughts? If you suffer from lack of randomness here is a tip. Get in your car, turn off your radio, and simply drive for 45 minutes one way. I betcha that alone time in your head will stem some pretty random thoughts. Here is an example of a thought that entertained me for at least half of my commute to work a couple of weeks ago:

My random thought was: What if my family won a prize that awarded us 24 hours to purchase anything we wanted. Wow, I had fun with that one! Here are just a few things I went for: a new car- I went with a hybrid because the prize was just good for one day, so I thought about future gas prices and decided a hybrid would be the most responsible purchase for us. I went to Kroger and stocked up on absolutely ALL foods. Luckily, I gave thought to how I would store all that food, so made sure to get to Lowes in time to get a large deep freeze within the 24 hours. Of course I did hit all the fancy downtown boutiques and got some really styling clothes and stocked up on boys clothes for the next 3 years. I stuck with just 3 years because even though they are boys, styles change and clothes much past 3 years would probably go out of style. I thought about trying to purchase a house within my 24 hours, but didn't know if that was even possible so I decided not to waste any of my time finding out. BUT I did rack up on some furniture and decorative accessories. After all, I figured I could easily afford a new house since I would be saving so much money on future groceries, clothes, gas etc. Now just so you don't think I was only thinking of myself I did pick up things I knew my friends and family would want. AND I tried to give some money to charities and church But unfortunately that was against the rules.

My purchasing portion of this "random thought" was very enjoyable and occupied at least 20 minutes of my commute. BUT WAIT......

Just when I was finishing up an exhausting but oh so fun 24 hours of shopping the prize patrol dropped a bomb! With as much reality TV as I watch I should have seen it coming... We were told.... We now have only 12 hours to return all that we had purchased!!!! AND anything that we didn't return we would have to personally pay for!!!! WHAT!!!! Needless to say I was panicked! I mean, some things would be easy to take back: the furniture I could just stop the delivery; I'm sure I didn't take time to hang up all our clothes during the first 24 hours so I could just quickly return the bags; hopefully I could find the receipts! BUT think about those groceries. There would be no way I could distinguish between what I had just bought and what was already in my stockpile. And think about that new car!!! This one made me sick to my stomach. My DH has always preached to me that the second you drive a new car off the lot it loses value, soooo there was NO Way the dealership would let me return that car for full value. Of course now I understood why I wasn't able to give to charities or my church. I would have felt just awful if I had to ask the local soup kitchen to give back the million dollars I had just presented to them.

So there you have it. By the time I got to work I was feeling pretty stressed BUT I had taught myself a valuable lesson about Worldliness and GREED!

What do you think about on your way to work?

1 comment:

  1. that is so stinking funny Niki!!! randomness is a huge part of my thought processes!!!
