Thursday, February 5, 2009

My car- part 2

Me and the Sequoia got along great, until..... Gas prices started knocking on $3.00 per gallon. For the first time since I got my drivers license, I became aware of gas prices and I had to think about the cost of driving from here to there. My 2 day a week 35 mile one-way commute began busting my "gas envelope" before I even got out of the second week of the month. I was having to steal gas money from the "grocery envelope" at a time when groceries were also going up in price. I began to panic! All of the sudden the idea of driving my family around in a compact fuel efficient car sounded very attractive. After all I grew up in an SUV free family, and I turned out fine. (no comments please)

I approached my DH with the idea of trading the Sequoia in for a car. While he agreed that a car could potentially save us a lot of money, he was also the voice of reason and stated that it would be nearly impossible to sell the SUV now- at least at a price that would not put us upside down on the loan. So we held on to the Sequoia...... that is, until gas prices started getting dangerously close to $4.00 per gallon. At that point we decided we had no choice but to try to sell and hope for the best. We ended up parking the Sequoia on a used car lot in my parent's town 2 hours away. The lot only charged $30 per month, got lots of traffic and it was far enough away that I couldn't be tempted to drive it anymore. "Lucky" for us my husband had 2 vehicles- His truck and "the car."

More to come after these short deal alerts.....

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