Monday, January 5, 2009

Meals Done!

Well I timed it and it took me exactly 1 hour and 32 minutes to complete all the meals (and take the picture). The only thing I have not made is the salads (did make dressing) and the fruit salad. My time included snacktime for the four year old and the last 15 minutes my baby woke up from his first nap and insisted on "helping." I also need to let you know, as you count the items on my table, that I cook for another family and so I made double recipes for most of the meals. So I bet you can beat my time! Let me know.
Some tips:
1. While I was browning my beef for the lasagna and boiling the water for the noodles I was able to prepare the Chicken Elegante, Green Beans, and the Salmon Dish.
2. I will put the garlic pepper on the salmon right before I bake it.


  1. I see a little bit of myself in you Niki! Great job on the meals.

    Did you get the t bones that were on sale at Kroger? I didn't even see where they were supposed to be today, but I still saved $42. Not bad for a rookie! Kelly

  2. Hey Kelly- your hardly a rookie. You surpassed the teacher on that sponge deal! I did not notice the T-bones, thanks for the heads up. I am going to try to post about my kroger deal soon. After I finish up the afternoon routine- and only if Cohen is still napping. I hope you and Gray will add to any great deals I missed or didn't take advantage of.
