Friday, January 9, 2009

Learning Time

Learning Time is really just a hodge podge of activities. If a "time" is going to get skipped it is usually this one. I usually justify this because many of our crafts could be considered educational. Every now and then I'll think "ooh we haven't done learning time" and I'll throw out a letter and ask my 4 year old what sound does it make? And we (meaning me) will think of words that start with that letter.
Now that I am going to try to be more intentional about learning time, I would really like to focus this time on writing with my 4 year old. As of right now the only way to identify Colby's work at school is by process of elimination. All the other kids can legibly write their names so I simply look for the one with the scribble. His teacher assures me it is nothing to worry about- he just hasn't developed a desire to write yet. So we gonna work on that desire!

As far as my 15 month old is concerned, poor little guy is lucky right now if once a week he gets a "where's your toes?" That, along with the multiple bumps to the head (we have concrete floors) I fear we have really messed him up. I was soooo much better with intentional learning time with my first born- we had flash cards, stacking blocks, daily patty-cake sessions, and a complete library of Baby Einsteine videos. Poor Cohen, if I don't start doing better he is going to be the only kid in high school who doesn't know where his belly button is. Oh the guilt! Quick, where's the flashcards.... COHEN !!!!!

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