Friday, January 9, 2009

Devotional Time

I started Devotional Time (when I did it) with the boys when my work schedule changed and I was no longer able to take Colby to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) on Wednesday mornings. BSF is a wonderful ministry that provides an in depth bible study for both adults and children starting at 2 years old. I had no idea what children were capable of doing or understanding until I watched Colby go through this program. At 2 years old he very quickly learned that the bible was God's "true word" and even lay still on his mat for the 10 minute "quiet time" with Jesus while at BSF! And I cherished our ride homes together when he would repeat his rendition of the bible story or worship song he had learned that day.

So you can imagine how sad I was when my work schedule changed and I was no longer able to take Colby to BSF. I was discussing my guilt for having to take him out of such a wonderful program with a friend when she said something that stopped me in my tracks (I think I was actually on a treadmill, but that's beside the point); she said "couldn't you just do the same things at home with Colby that he was doing at BSF." That's when it hit me- It wasn't BSF's job or even the church's job to teach my child about Jesus and what it means to have a relationship with him- it was MINE! So out of this epiphany came "devotional time."

Now our devotional time is NOT 2 hours it usually only lasts 15 minutes (again- when we do it) but in that time we try to incorporate quiet time, worship time, bible study, and prayer. We only do "quiet time" for 4 minutes (1 minute per Colby's age). During this time Colby talks to God or here lately he has chosen to sing God a song that he has made up (I wish you could hear his songs- just warms a Mama's heart!) While Colby is doing his quiet time I usually try to read Cohen a book or sing him a song quietly. After quiet time we sing songs- usually old VBS songs I learned when I was a kid. For bible study we have done anything from randomly opening up the bible and reading from whatever page we opened, to reviewing his Awana study, to reading a church library book. And then we always end with a prayer that Colby uses to thank God for every friend, family member, toy, piece of furniture etc. etc. etc. I use this time to quietly thank God for my boys!

This week we started using the book Gotta Have God 2, fun devotions for boys ages 2-5 by Lynn Marie-Ittner Klammer. I like this book because after each lesson it gives a project or craft idea. Which leads us into our next activity.... Craft Time.

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