Saturday, January 3, 2009

Book of the Month

I am excited about "the book of the month." I love to read. Reading is such good "me" time; unfortunately I don't often take the time to do it. So here is my excuse to schedule a little "me" time everyday. My plan is to do a brief review of the book on the 3rd Saturday of the month- so I better get busy reading.

I have always wanted to be part of a book of the month club because whenever I read a really good book I want to talk about it; and it is a lot more fun to talk about it with someone who has read it too- you know. So here is my chance.

The first "Book of the Month" will be The Shack by WM. Paul Young. I can not tell you how many (ok, it was 5- but anyways) people have asked me if I have read this book yet. I hear it is phenomenal. So I was pumped when Santa left The Shack in my stocking this year. Immediately, I knew this would be the first book for the review. I sure do hope someone out there will read it with me!

I also wanted to let you in on 2 more books I will be using this month, just in case I reference them in later posts:
Gotta Have God 2, fun devotions for boys ages 2-5 by Lynn Marie-Ittner Klammer- for the boys devotional time (they also have devotions for girls)
My Heart's Desire, living every moment in the wonder of worship by David Jeremiah, along with my Bible for daily quiet times. Got this book on the clearance rack at Christian Book Outlet this weekend for $7.97 if you wanted to pick one up too!


  1. Checking to see if this works!

  2. Hey Nikki- Love the blog!! I hope that you can keep it up. We have alot in common. More than I originally thought. Hey, Let me borrow that book when you are done. The book you told me to read was great- "Redeeming Love"
    Keep up the good work.
    Sandra Doggett

  3. I read this in early November and it changed my perspect greatly on God. Hope you love it as much as I did! I am reading Kate Gosselings "Multiple Blessings" fromt he hit show Jon and KAte plus 8. It is a remarkable story.
