Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dear Donna-

Dear Donna-
Ever since Walgreen's did away with their rebate program my stockpile of free toothbrushes have dwindled. After experiencing free toothbrushes for well over a year I have had a very hard time spending even the smallest amount of cash for this essential hygiene tool. Well, Donna.... tonight my whole family shared the same toothbrush. Yep, all of us- one brush. My mind tells me it is time to fork over whatever $ amount necessary to maintain my families oral health but my heart says keep waiting for that perfect coupon match-up (and hope the match-up doesn't require a redplum coupon- oh but that's a whole other problem....anyways) that would result in free toothbrushes. Thanks for your input!
- your biggest fan, Niki

Dear Niki-
First off- ugh GROSS! Don't you know it is flu season! While I am a firm believer in having a goal price range for most/all your regularly purchased products; sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the budget for the good of your family. My suggestion is to search out the best toothbrush deal in this week's match-ups and RUN to purchase at least 3 new toothbrushes....NOW!!!

P.S. I just remembered..... Isn't your brother a dentist? Surely he could hook you up with a few toothbrushes!
- Respectfully, Donna Reed

1 comment:

  1. haha! love it! the red plum thing TOTALLY disappoints me every time I get a paper:( ugghhh!
