Monday, June 8, 2009

The future of DRS

Hi DRSers its me Niki! Sooo I got some bad news today. Staples called to tell me that my computer is so ancient that they do not have the, stuff (I can't remember the tech terminology Mr. Techy used) to remove the ucky virus from my computer. Sooooo I have run to DH's office to borrow his computer for the time being. Guess I better get a "new computer" envelope started.

I am about to get ready to post your mealtime Monday recipes but I wanted to take a few sentences to update you on what has been going on in my life over the last week.

First, and most exciting, last week we bought a house! Woopie!!! How fun is that!?! Anyways we should be closing and moving by the end of this month. And then let the fun begin... A new house means endless labeling opportunities and is the perfect time to revamp the master routine and cleaning schedule......good times ahead for this Donna Wannabe............. hmmmm.

Second, I moved offices last week. Yes, after years (7 to be exact) of operating my weight management clinic out of a local pharmacy, I decided it was time for a change. Soooo last week I packed up my office and my clients and moved to a local fitness center. Although I miss my friends and coworkers at the pharmacy terribly I think the fitness center is going to be a good fit. I mean think about the control this will afford me, I can tell my clients to exercise and then I can walk them out of my office and put them on a treadmill. ah, ah, ah (evil laugh). Just kidding!
Plus working at a fitness center just makes me want to be healthier. I found that I drank a ton more water last week then I normally do (doesn't hurt that they have sonic ice!!!! Woo Hoo) and I have an increased desire for muscles. Yep, I want the type that pop out of my arms and rip... don't know if my genes will participate in that dream, but anyways.

Already within the first week of my move, I have seen a big increase in business. This is GREAT! However, this increase in business along with the upcoming move and reorganization of my family routine has really got me concerned about when in the world am I going to have time to blog. The answer.... I'm not! This is a huge step in my DRS recovery. I have come to the realization that I can NOT do it all. Therefore, starting in July DRS will be on an extended blog break. I am hoping that once I get settled in my new house and new job and Colby starts kindergarten I will be able to start back.... we'll see! In the meantime, I am going to try to do my best to get your recipes posted and deal alerts ready for the month of June- this of course is more difficult without my home computer. Anyways....

Well, there it is. I hope you all understand. I am going to go ahead and end this post now before I change my mind, because I am already getting sad thinking about the day I no longer pretend someone out there on the world wide web might care or benefit from what I might have to's like saying good bye to a long time imaginary friend... not that I know what that's like. Anyways....


  1. July 1st will be a sad day. Totally understandable! Hope you come back in the fall sometime when things get settled down!!! Good luck w/the two new moves!!! :)

  2. You will be missed! I understand though. Good luck with the move!
