Sunday, April 12, 2009

Prayer Request

During Easter Service this morning our good friends Emily and Sean were called out of church to be told their house was on fire. For those of you who have been long time readers of DRS you will remember Emily's guest post a few months back. I can not imagine what this family is going through right now..... I really have no words. Please be in prayer.

This is a time when human wisdom can't fathom the "WHY!" I anxiously await God to reveal His Plan in this tragedy. Only He can (and will) bring beauty from these ashes.


  1. I have been following your blog for awhile now. I must comment on this post to let you know that I will be in prayer for your friends - My parents house burned to the ground while we were in church service a year ago tomorrow.
    I know they desperation & helplessness they must be feeling.
    May they lean on the Lord during this difficult time.
    Thinking & praying for them -
    April Mathis

  2. I am not sure they know what caused the fire but the fire destroyed the garage, attic, kitchen, dining room, office, laundry room. Roof is caved in on that side of the house. What a blessing they were not home when the fire started because from what I understood it went very quickly. The insurance company is coming out tomorrow to assess the damage. I'll be sure to update when I find out how we are able to help out.
