Friday, April 17, 2009

Familytime Update

Here is a rundown of our day. The boys and I went to the gym this morning and then went swimming with our playgroup. On the way home from the pool Colby asked me to pray to Jesus and ask him to make it not rain tonight so he and Daddy could go camping in the backyard. I obliged but then told Colby that farmers were probably praying to Jesus for it to rain so I wasn't sure which prayer Jesus would answer. I then heard Colby pray to Jesus that he would let it rain for the farmers "the next day." (Dear Jesus, please keep that rain away!) Once home, Colby led us in a devotional time that had me riding on my swiffer mop through the house (Jesus on a donkey entering Jerusalem). We then had lunch and in honor of "shape day" I made English Muffin Pizzas with green pepper shapes (sneaky way to get some vegetables in).
After lunch the boys played outside while I cleaned the trash out of my car. Came inside for rest time. While boys napped/rested I cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned. Sometime during the middle of rest time I caught Colby standing on a stool and I instinctively panicked and said "COLBY BE CAREFUL," Colby looked at me and said "Mommy your crazy, careful is my middle name." Careful is his middle name? Where does he come up with this stuff? After nap time Daddy got off work early and set up the tent while I made a Kroger run for a cookout. We had burgers and smores over the "campfire" (grill). Uncle Randy came over during the cookout and started pitching balls to the boys. Cohen, my 18 month old, swung and hit the ball (no tee) like 5 times (we got it on video). Boys sticky with marshmallow goo and covered with dirt so came inside for bathtime. After bathtime Cohen went to bed and Daddy and Colby went outside to camp. I watched my DVR and now sit at the computer.

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