Sunday, March 1, 2009

Me vs Couch

Well tonight I finally got around to decrumbing the couch. Disgusting! You know I am dying to show you the picture I took, BUT in fear you are getting sick of seeing my dust, clutter, lint, etc. I have decided to spare you (however, if just one person requests to see the picture I am sooo posting it). The most unusual thing I found hidden in the couch crevices was a packet of apple cider. I also found a picture of DH grandparents (frame and all), scooby band aid, several pens, shorts, the battery cover to the remote, a sucker stick, and crumbs of everything from cereal and granola bars to raisens and popcorn. Where was all the money that I was suppose to find? Don't all couches have hidden money? Anyways.... The worst part of the experience was that I caught Cohen eating the crumbs. GROOOOOSSSS!!! Why should we get a dog when we have a 17 month old.

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