Friday, February 6, 2009

My Car- part 4

As I was saying... We vowed never to have a car payment again and, therefore, shortly after started the "car envelope." I won't lie, in the beginning weeks, and even months, of driving "the car" I complained.... a lot! After all, I do have a bad back, and do you know how hard it is to load and unload an infant carrier, complete with infant, in and out of a two door vehicle. Did I mention that this was in the dog days of summer and anytime my car would come to a stop (like at a stoplight or for a train crossing) the air conditioner would go out. Oh, and have you ever driven a standard with no power steering- talk about a work-out! I really think steering my car has contributed to my recent wrist problems. What about the high pitched squeal the car makes as it reverses out of the drive-way every morning? And talk about dangerous- a girl with a severe case of DRS should never drive alone in a car with no radio or CD player- way too much time in my own head!!! When do you think I dreamed up half of the DRS plan!

Well it was about month 4 of driving "the car" that I started reading Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover." Dave is a strong believer in the cash only system and lives by his motto "If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else." In this book he tells his story about going from living a millionaire lifestyle down to bankruptcy and then how he rebuilt his fortune with Zero debt. Guess what that means- no car payment!! His story was just the fuel I needed to light my fire. Although I had been filling the car envelope for several months- from that point on it no longer felt like a sacrifice- But a MISSION!

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