Friday, February 6, 2009

My Car- Conclusion

With Dave's motto in mind, "Live like no one else, so I can live like no one else," my attitude toward "my car" changed. All of the sudden I no longer was ashamed of "the car" but felt a sense of pride in what "my car" stood for. After all how many people can say they get a work-out from driving their car. And I wouldn't have to worry about running over any stray animals because my car was courteous enough to send out a warning siren anytime it went into reverse. My moments of no air conditioning made me grateful for the times the air was blowing and was a good reminder of how blessed we are to be living in a home that provided a respite from the heat, unlike some families across the globe. And no radio or CD player on my 45 minute commute to work meant some awesome prayer time. Plus when do you think I dreamed up the idea of DRS! But never was I more excited about "my car" then when I was at the gas pump. Now instead of paying close to $100 per week in gas I was paying closer to $15 per week! Woo Hoo!

Currently, I think I'm about 6 months out from having enough money saved up to buy a nice respectable four-door car. In the meantime, I feel so grateful for "my car"- not only does it faithfully get me to where I need to go, it has humbled my vehicle snobbishness, and taught me a great lesson in contentment.
If you would like to have this expereince, "my car" will be available to purchase in about 6 months :) Start saving today!

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