"My personal goal for Wellness this month is to find a back doctor and schedule an appointment. I also need to recheck my metabolism (have not done this since before last pregnancy)."
Outcome: Didn't do it! Yep, that's right I can dish out the wellness advice but can't seem to follow it. Sorry!
Therefore my February Goal is to really do my January goal. In addition, I am also going to ask you to hold me accountable to getting some sleep! I know the damaging effects of sleep deprivation and can see what it is doing to me when I look in the mirror.
Sooo here is my specific goal: I am going to be in bed by midnight EVERY night (except maybe Friday nights). That means even if I am in the middle of blogging a post due the next day, I'll just pack it up and go to bed. Even if the lunches haven't been packed, I'm getting in bed. Even if I can't find the top of my kitchen table and I'm expecting Donna Reed herself for tea the next day- I'm going to bed!!!! (First off- it is highly unlikely I would ever host a tea (do people still do that) and second I'm quite sure I don't have to worry about Donna Reed ever seeing my messy table- she died in 1986, may she rest in peace.)
Now my long-term goal is to eventually be in bed by 10:30 every night. But I'm trying to be realistic.
What about you? Do you have a specific Wellness Goal you would like us to hold you accountable to for the month of February?
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