Friday, January 2, 2009

Sonday Sunday

I can tell you this: By the time Sunday rolls around, unless I have spent some time preparing for Sonday (Son meaning Jesus- but you knew that already) Sunday- I truly will go crazy. For Sundays are the days I will hold myself accountable to daily quiet times and scripture memorization.

Most Sunday posts will be kept very simple. I will post a verse I hope to memorize for the week, and maybe a quick thought or praise for what God has done in my life or in the lives of others.
Every now and then I might attempt a short devotional on what I have been learning or working on during my quiet times.

One thing I want you all to know is- although this entire blog pokes fun at my desire to be Donna Reed my ultimate goal is for my life to mirror Christ. A goal that would be impossible to reach- but by the grace of God!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading your blog. Looking forward to next week's postings. Genesis of DRS
