Monday, January 26, 2009

Mealtime Monday

Are you ready for our last week of January Meals! After reviewing all the recipes I think I will be able to prepare all 5 recipes plus 2 side dishes in 1.5 hours- if I didn't have to peel and chop potatoes I would think I could even finish early. Below are the designated days I plan to serve the meals and how I will store until final preparations.

Monday: Fish Roll Ups. I will prepare according to recipe and then store in fridge until ready to bake tonight.

Tuesday: Jalapeno Chicken. I will prepare chicken according to recipe and then cover and place in refrigerator until tomorrow night. I will also go ahead and prepare the asparagus foil packets. If weather permits, I will grill both the chicken and asparagus tomorrow night, if too cold I'll just bake both in the oven.

Wednesday: Italian Roast and Rosemary Potatoes. I will prepare the roast in a ziplock bag and store in the refrigerator until Wednesday morning. That morning I will transfer all contents of ziplock bag to crock pot and cook all day. I will prepare potatoes according to recipe then cover and place unbaked potatoes in refrigerator until Wednesday night. Wed night I will take out and bake.

Thursday: Broccoli Cheese Soup. I will go ahead and cook broccoli according to recipe and then transfer to gallon size ziplock freezer bag. I will then add all remaining ingredients except the cornstarch, water, and cheese, to the ziplock. I will store soup in freezer until Wednesday. On Wednesday I will allow the soup to start thawing in the fridge. On Thursday evening I will transfer soup to pot. I will then add water, cornstarch, and cheese and finish according to recipe.

Friday: Vegetable Chicken Pizza. I will prepare pizza according to recipe and then wrap pizza in aluminum foil and place inside freezer until Thursday night. Thursday night I will place in refrigerator to begin thawing. Friday night I'll simply bake and serve.

1 comment:

  1. found the best solution for peel and chopping pot. Ore Ida makes a mashed pot. in the freezer section and they come chopped perfect for use in soups, pot casserole, etc or mashed pot. THey leavce them in chunks so you can make them how you want. Awesome and very time saving. I made a pot soup in 30 minutes that ususally is an hour process or more!
