Sunday, January 11, 2009

End of Week Report Card

I always loved report card day at school (I was such a NERD). My Dad would always pay me $5 per A and then I got a bonus if I got straight A's. Once Spelling was no longer part of the curriculum- I always got the bonus!
Now, I know that I am bragging, but can I just say that those straight A's have got me nowhere in life! Not one time have I been asked "What was your grade point average? on a job interview. When potential patients are calling to find out about my program they don't ask "What grade did you receive in BioChemestry?" And quite honestly, I don't think my husband even knew my academic history when he asked me out on our first date? But... I am sure you will feel much better about daily tuning into this blog knowing that your DRS leader had many, many years ago been a 4.0 student.... probably not!

Regardless- I thought a fun way for me to sum up my weekly DRS progress would be with an end of the week report card. So here goes:

Sonday Sunday- A (I loved loved loved how the Lord used my memory verse all week to remind me about my attitude- thank you Jesus!)
Mealtime Monday- A (Was that not wonderful not having to worry about "what's for dinner?" all week long! And the actual making of the meals was not bad at all)
Tidy Tuesday- B minus (All of my zone work for the Kitchen is completed but, as I write, the rest of my house looks like a train wreck)
Wellness Wednesday- B plus (I got my water in all but today)
Thrifty Thursday- E plus (E for effort- I worked really hard to keep my Kroger budget in check this week and I had good intentions for a great Walgreens trip; it just didn't work out as planned)
Familytime Friday: C (even though we didn't get to do any of our "times" on Friday the week was not a complete failure. The boys got plenty of hugs and loves all week long)
Scrapbook Saturday: N/A

Wonder if Dad will still pay me for my As? That could really help the ol' budget. What do you say Dad?

1 comment:

  1. Since you have been away from the direct influence of your mother (a professional educator for over 35 years), perhaps you have forgotten that you were paid for the "A's" you earned but were awarded by someone else. A friendly suggestion: Remember that failure to complete all planned activities due to uncontrollable circumstances doesn't equal failure. Your Friday grade is too sevier under the circumstance. YFD
