I somehow believed that upon saying, "I do," I would be magically transformed into Betty Crocker (we know she meant to say Donna Reed, but anyways). I imagined myself baking fresh bread, looking flushed and beautiful as I removed the steaming loaves from the oven. No matter that I hadn't cooked but five meals in my entire life, I set about preparing dinners, breakfasts even, with determination and zeal. After two weeks of this, I lay on the couch despondent, announcing that I didn't know what was for dinner and that John was on his own. Besides, the kitchen floor was dirty. I had failed.
Hello! Is that not a textbook description of DRS. Anyways....
I felt a real connection to this author when she went on to describe the guilt and shame all Women feel in the shadow of that infamous Proverbs 31 Woman. And how most women feel a "nagging sense of failing to measure up."
The authors challenge us to take our focus off the actions of what we feel a woman ought to do and be and rather focus on the heart of a woman. For the heart represents the core of who we are. In Genesis we learn that "God created man in his own image... male and female he created them." therefore if we understand the heart of a woman we will better understand the heart, or desires, of our God.
This book is going to look at three desires that are common to every woman and show how they reflect God's own heart: To be Romanced; To play an Irreplaceable Role in a Great Adventure; and to Unveil Beauty.
Isn't it neat to think about the fact that our deepest desires that are unique to women are not only given to us by our God but also shared desires of our King.
This week as I dive deeper into the study I am going to reflect on what it means to be made in the Lord's image and specifically I am going to look for passages that mention the heart. Do any verses come to mind?
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