Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Worm's dead! Sorry just to blurt it out like that but I couldn't think of another way to break the news to you. You know the freeze warning we had just a couple of nights ago..... Well while daddy was covering up the new blueberry plant to protect it from the potential freeze, Colby decided to cover up the area of the garden that he had released "worm" a couple days back. DH didn't think anything of it because of course he thought worm was long gone by now. So DH just let Colby work away while he worked on the rest of the garden. Well yesterday DH went outside to collect all the blankets and guess what he found..... yep, you guessed it- worm- dead as a door nail (why exactly is the door nail the nail that is always referred to as the dead one? anyways....) Just thought you might want to know.


  1. Oh no! Does Colby know?
    I loved the worm story... I read it on my phone today at work and got a good chuckle.
    Also, I gave two girls at Walgreens your blog address the other day;)

  2. No, not sure the best way to break it to him. How bad would it be if we just continued to let Colby believe worm is sleeping?

    Oh and thanks for spreading the word about DRS!!!!

  3. Poor Mr. Worm. Do all worms go to heaven?
