Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sonday Sunday

Last week I got sick. I felt like my throat was closing in, I totally lost my voice, and my eyes were a lovely shade of red but I kept right on trucking. That is until my body just wouldn't go another minute. At that point I was forced to crawl into bed and just sleep. When I awoke from this "unplanned" slumber I could not find the motivation to climb out of bed so I picked up my bible from the nightstand. I had no destination in mind so I just let the pages fall where they may. God is sooo Good! Guess where I landed?.... Psalms 127 Read this:

It's useless to rise early and go to bed late,
and work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don't you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves!
Psalms 127: 2 (The Message)

I shut my bible and lay there in awe. In that moment I realized that He had brought REST to me when I wasn't willing to get it for myself. I had pushed myself to the limit but He, in his infinite wisdom, had a plan to force me to stop and REST. And ultimately my rest led to spending a little more time with HIM. I love that!


  1. I love this niki. God spoke straight to you and am so glad he gave you rest. Sorry we didn't ever get to hook up about Friday night. My mother came into town and JP went to Nana and Papas for the weekend and he is playing in 6 inches of snow so tell Colby.
    Sorry I have been so lousey at my zones and such. I have accomplished a few things and guess I should just post those instead of trying to follow the daily zone. I just realize what I can and can't do and without that naptime I just can't seem to make the time except at night after we put him to bed and sometimes I just can be consistent on if I feel energetic enough to do my tasks.
    On a wellness note I started the running/walking clinic on Monday and started the beginner groups and went both time even though I had migraines. So I was so thankful God helped me push through that and go b/c it was finally a step in the right direction health wise. Although I can't run a mile, I can walk and that is OK.
    Hope you are feeling better. I am just loving your blog.

  2. Emily- always good to hear from you. Don't feel bad you can't do the zones like we use to- I can't either!!! But I just do the best I can. I just appreciate you checking in and commenting when you can. Makes my day. I am excited you are getting to do the clinic. I know you are probably sad not to be running, but I am proud of you for knowing your limits- you've come along way, huh!
