Saturday, March 28, 2009

Setting the Record Straight

I feel it is VERY important to address a certain issue. I have had a number of people come up to me or write me telling me "I don't know how you do it all?!" This completely shocks me every time someone says this to me! I hope everyone who reads DRS knows and understands that I DON'T do it ALL! EVER!!! The last thing I want anyone thinking is that I have it all together! Because that is soooooo far from true. The purpose of DRS is for me to make fun of all my insane "plans" to become the perfect wife, mother, friend, cook, maid, or in other words Donna Reed. I feel most women do suffer with some degree of Donna Reed Syndrome in that we put unrealistic expectations on ourselves and this blog is just a compilation of all my "good intention" plans that I have come up with over the years to achieve the impossible. Some have worked for me in the past BUT I have NEVER been able to do ALL the plans at one time.

My great desire for this blog is to always be 100% REAL that means I want to share my few successes and my MANY failures. I love knowing that I can tell you about when my kitchen is a wreck or when I can't find my dining room table and it keeps me humble to have to admit that I stink at "learning time" or that I lost my patience with the boys. Really- My hope is that by looking at my life you feel better about yours! :)

So in summary- I am NOT in any way Donna Reed!

1 comment:

  1. Niki- you are the cutest thing! I love clicking over here and reading about DRS! This blog is so neat! You are a great mother and such a humble servant for the Lord. He is pleased with everything you do...and even pleased with the things you don't get done!!
    Sometime I want to chat with you about maybe doing a "DRS" segment (or a series of segments) for my show. I am about to go on maternity leave, so it will be for the fall...but just think and pray about it. I think viewers would love to see you talking about the meal plans, coupon deals, etc.
    Hope you are having a great weekend!
