Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Car Zone- Enter at your own risk!

Warning: The pictures below contain very disturbing images. Donna's of the World- look away!

As mentioned in the introduction to this week's Tidy Tuesday I cleaned out my car before we left on vacation. As you can see in the pictures below it was long overdue. The sad thing is I had already taken out a load of junk before I thought to take pictures.

This is a picture of the passenger side front seat. You can see the Quiznos coupons
and several empty food packages I used for label demonstrations (several months ago!)
I don't know why I can't get this picture bigger but if I could you could see that the
junk was overflowing into the shifting station of the consul- safe huh!

This is a picture of the backseat floorboard. This is the junk my 4 year old had
to climb over in order to get into his carseat- poor kid!

This is a picture of most of the junk (some went directly into the trash can) that I pulled out of the car. What you can't see from the above illustrations is the smell. My keen sense of smell sensed the aroma was a distinct mixture of mildew from the many spilled water bottles that have tumbled out of the flimsy cup holder over the past few months and sour milk from the very "colorful" sippy cup found underneath the front seat.

I know your totally grossed out right now, but this story does have a happy ending! Please continue....

After removing all the junk, me and the car visited a local car wash. There I did some pretty impressive acrobatics trying to maneuver the big vacuum tube throughout the car before my allotted time was up! Talk about a work-out!

Ta Da! Nice and clean!

Now I could even fit a passenger into the front seat. But if your needing a ride anywhere, now is the time to ask- I can't guarantee I'll have a front seat available for long!!!!

Stay tuned... You'll learn more about "my car" on Thrifty Thursday!

1 comment:

    I guess since you are on vacation I won't bug you this week with this but do try to catch up on some rest while you are gone and I am still looking for some friends to join in with me to help you in this area!!!!!
