Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ok- I got to thank those that have checked in today. I was really dreading my zone work today and then when I logged in and saw over 1000 hits it refueled me and motivated me to pour the Mr. Clean and get busy.

Tonight's zone was cleaning and reorganizing the inside and outside of my kitchen cabinets and drawers. Lucky for me I had a little helper to "assist" me in my task. As long as I worked behind my 15 month old, the system worked great. He would pull everything out of the cabinet, I would come in behind him, clean, then neatly return everything to their designated spot. The problem was when Cohen would "inspect" my work. Evidently my organizing was not to his satisfaction because he insisted on pulling everything out again so I could start all over. Not sure I ever got it right.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see Cohen "helps" the same way Austin does! You know I have to honestly say I dont know that I have ever thought to check the dates on spices. oops! Guess that will be my first project tonight...
