Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sonday Sunday

As a perfectionist, I have a very black and white personality. In most aspects of my life I live on either of two extremes. I have no middle. I am either really happy or really down. I'm either counting my pennies or blowing the budget. My house is either Donna Reed perfect of Sanford and Sons destroyed. So I was so excited to find a verse that could use both extremes of my personality flaw to draw me closer to the Lord and perhaps even bring Him glory. With this verse written on my heart, there should never be a time that I'm not praying or praising! Hallelujah!

If any one of you is in trouble? He should pray. If anyone is happy? Let him sing songs of praise. James 5:13

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You are the blinkie coupon eater for the Kraft cheese! I didn't get there until today about 11:30 am. I only wanted 2 bags!
