Sunday, January 11, 2009

Garage Sale Mayhem

Well, I have spent all afternoon getting ready for next weekend's garage sale- and I don't feel any closer to being done. It has been a sad day! Not only am I depressed to see my once (and only once) nice and empty dining room table once again covered in clutter; but this trip down memory lane sorting through all the boys outgrown clothes has nearly brought me to tears. My babies are growing up! It just seems like yesterday my 4 year old was wearing the little duckie onesie with the matching booties. And I can't believe it has been a little over a year since my baby wore the same.
It didn't help when my 4 year old came into the dining room to give me his take on the situation. He kept asking "Why are you getting rid of all brother's clothes? Aren't these clothes precious, Mommy? Just precious! Don't we have a precious baby, Mommy? When are we going to have another baby, Mommy? Aren't baby's precious." He probably said precious 50 times which was just well.... precious, but it was hard to explain why we couldn't keep ALL of Cohen's old clothes and even harder to explain why we probably wouldn't be having any more precious babies.


  1. Well, Nikki, I'm happy to say I am up-to-date on your blog...finally! There are so many aspects of it that excite me...the meal planning (I really need that), the cleaning schedule, the coupons and deals (I so need to make thrifty spending a priority), and much more. I'm just super excited to give some of it a try! I know I won't be able to do it all, at least right away, but anythings better than nothing. Thanks for doing this and for sharing your life with all of us. I'm excited about mealtime Mondays!
    --Jenny Cabantac

  2. Hey Nikki! I'm afraid my house looks like this...and there is no garage sale in the works! YIKES! I'm lovin' your blog! I will definitely take advantage of your recipes, etc. to add a little healthy variety to our meals! So excited! I will see you Friday afternoon!
    Leah L.

  3. Thanks girls, I'm honored you checked my blog out!
