Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sonday Sunday- F.O.W.P.L.

You remember back in the early 90s when there was a rebirth of the phrase WWJD (What Would Jesus Do, or Walk With Jesus Daily). I say rebirth because I just wikipediaed the phrase and learned it originated in 1890. Pretty neat story if you want to read about it (WWJD). Anyways.... Around that time I remember running across Ephesians 5:10 and thinking that this verse could really be the next BIG Christian slogan to follow the WWJD movement.

Ephesians 5:10 says "and find out what pleases the Lord;" so simple, and yet this verse, if remembered, could truly guide your every movement. For example if the Holy Spirit would simply whisper "Find out what pleases the Lord" I bet I would be much more likely to start my day out with my bible opened and my head bowed. If I would think "What would please the Lord?" I'm sure I would be less greedy with my time and more willing to give of myself to a friend in need. And I have no doubt that if every second of my day was spent searching for things that "Pleased the Lord" my life would look a lot less like Donna's and much more like Jesus'- Ouch!

Back in 1990 I attempted to get the FOWPL (pronounced "fough pull") movement going by throwing the phrase out in my everyday conversation- people just looked at me strange. I even considered getting FOWPL bracelets made but as a preteen I just didn't have the capital to make it happen. At this point in my life, my greater desire is to have FOWPL branded on my heart rather then draped around my wrist. Therefore; this week I pray that FOWPL will become a part of my everyday mindset and not just a passing fad- won't it be fun to find out what makes the Lord smile!

And find out what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5: 10

1 comment:

  1. Begin your search for FOWPL a day at a time. Only after you have accomplished that for one full day should you try for two. Don't be disappointed if you aren't immediately "successful". Your attempt will please the Lord and He will bless your life. YFD
