Saturday, April 25, 2009
Deal Alert
Final Price: $3.09 for 3 packages of hot dogs and 3 packages of hot dog buns plus tax!
Annual Budget Countdown
Just shopped one place- Kroger. But I shopped 4x at Kroger since I last checked in!
Trip 1:
Spent: $87.66 (on 55 items)
Saved: $39.41 (low coupon day)
Trip 2:
Spent: 7.70 (on 10 items)
Saved: 7.12
Trip 3:
Spent: $3.09 (on 6 items)
Saved: $4.80
Trip 4
Spent: $3.09
Saved: $4.80
Trip 2, 3, 4 all bought Hot dogs and Hot dog Buns for the AI party just in case I can't get sponsors!
Week 16 Totals:
Total Spent: $101.54
Total Saved: $56.13
Total Spent for year: $1577.59
Total Saved for year: $1316.73
Total Left: $3422.41
Ok, this week is the Pantry Challenge so this could be the week I get back on track with my budget. Cross your fingers!!!!
Imagination Mover's Party Script

(Inside the noisy room were various musical instruments as well as toy flutes, whistles, and maracas for each child for party favors)
After Cake:
Me: Movers! (showing the map) Where else should we visit for Colby's Birthday?
Kids: THE GIFT ROOM!!!!!
Inside the Gift Room:

Outside Gammy led the kids in a balloon relay game!
Colby: That was the best party ever!!! Next year can I have an "Underdog Party!"
Imagination Movers
Hint: Push pause on the playlist found on the left sidebar so you can hear the clip.
Details of Colby's Party will be posting soon!
PS Is uploading a clip from utube legal? If not please let me know!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Familytime Friday
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Deal Alert- Target

Here are the Target Match-ups for the week. Most are repeats from the past weeks.
Johnson's Safety Cotton Swabs for $1.38
Use $0.75 off 1 Target Printable PLUS $1 off 1 from 3/8 RP
Final Price: FREE after both coupons
Renu Contact Solution- trial size for $0.99
Go to the sidebar to print off a $1 off 1 coupon
Final Price: FREE
Dove GoFresh Deodorant (trail size) for $0.97
Use $1.25 off 1 from 3/15 RP
Final Price: FREE plus possible overages
Trident Gum (3 pack) at $1.69
Use $2 off 1 from 3/8 SS
Final Price: FREE plus possible overages
Wheat Thins Artisan at $2.98
Buy 2 and use B1G1 from 3/15 SS AND 2 $1 off 1 Target printables here
Final Price: $0.49 per box after coupons
Electrasol Tabs unsure of our price but many Target's have these priced at $3
Use $2.50 off 1 from 4/19 SS
Final Price: ~$0.50
Nabisco Snack Saks for $1.52
Use $1 off 1 Target Printable here
Final Price: $0.52
Big Thanks to thrifty mama and moneysavingmom for the matchups. Go here to read thriftymamas post on using the Target Kiosk to print Target Coupons.
Deal Alert- Kroger

Here are my favorite deals of the week. Go here to look at this week's flyer and as always, check out thegrocerygame or couponmom for a complete list of newspaper insert match-ups!
A lot of the deals are the same as last week!
Strawberries on sale $1.50Kroger Vegetables on sale $0.50
Avocados on sale $0.99 each
Green Cabbage on sale $0.39/lb
Mahi Mahi Fillets or Skinless Snapper on sale $6.99/lb
Naturally Preferred Organic Milk on sale $2.99
Washington or Cameo Apples on sale for $0.69 lb
Angel Soft TP is also on sale for $1
I am sooooo upset but OUR Region RP DID NOT have that $0.50 off 1 coupon I was telling you about earlier this week to allow us the thrill of FREEEEEEEE TP! So we still have to pay for the stuff!
Green Giant Vegetables 7-10oz pkg frozen on sale for $1
Go here to print a $0.60 off 2 (says do not double) (good place to print other organic food coupons)
Final Price: $0.70 each
Birds Eye Vegetables on sale $1
Use $0.35 off 1 from 3/29 SS or $1 off 2 from 4/19 SS
Final Price: $0.30 to $0.50 each
I highly recommend the "mixed vegetables." Oddly delicious
Kroger Cooking Spray on sale $1
Pillsbury Brownie Mix on sale $1
Use $0.35 off 1 from 3/29 RP
Final Price: $0.30
McCormick Grill Mates on sale for $1
Use $1 off 1 from 3/15 RP
Final Price: FREEEEE
Deal Alert- Walgreens

The following are my favorite deals of the week with thanks to thethriftymama for providing the match-ups!
Mentos Gum on sale 2 for $2
Use 2 $1 off 1 from 3/1 SS
Final Price: FREE
Post Trail Mix Crunch on sale 2 for $5
Use $2 off 1 from here
Final Price: $0.50 each
Reach Toothbrush or floss on sale for $0.99 with Walgreens Flyer coupon
Buy 2 and Use $$1.50 off 2 from 3/15 SS
Final Price: $0.50 for 2
Register Reward Deals (RR)
Skintimate Shave Cream or Edge Infused or Energy Shaving Gel on sale for $2.99- Get $2.99 RR when you buy 1
Final Price: FREE after RR
Mitchum Deodorant $2.99, Get a $2 RR when you buy 1
Use $0.75 off 1 from 3/22 SS
Final Price: $0.24 after RR and coupon
Pledge multisurface cleaner on sale 2 for $7, Get $1 RR when you buy 2
Use 2 $2 off 1 from here
Final Price: $1 each after coupons and RR
APRIL FREE after Rebate Deals
One a Day Multi-Vitamin Drink Mix 2 ct at $1.49
Buy 2 and use $4 off 2 from 3/22 SS PLUS Submit for ES Rebate #1 and get back $1.49(limit 1 for rebate)
Final Price: FREE plus $2.50 in overages
Other ES Rebate Deals
Physicians Formula Organic products are on sale 40% off
Get $10 Rebate when you spend $10 or more (ESR #6)
Use $1 off 1 from 2/22 and 3/22 SS
Final Price: Varies depending on product
Thrifty Thursday
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Ford AI Updates
I gotta tell you that I could not sleep last night I was soooo excited thinking about planning this party. I've got ideas ladies.... BIG IDEAS!!!! But for this party to really Rock (there I go trying to use "cool" words again.... seriously this party is going to my head!!!) Kris HAS to make it into the final 2.
My BIG vision for the party has us tailgating outside the BIG Conway Watch Party (my guess would be UCA)- complete with Big Screens, Bounce Around for the kids, stage with Karaoke, and sponsors for FREEEEE Food. BUT if Kris is not in the top 2 then there won't be a Conway wide Watch Party, the hype will die down and I'll be forced to host the event at my house, and there just ain't that much room in here. Soooooo you know what we have to do fellow DRSers................. VOTE!!!! and VOTE a lot!!!
I was just reading on several other of the Party Hostess websites and ladies... they don't have our Kris to win, so we got to show em.
I am still trying to learn how my "party blog" works so I'll be sure to update you on that in the coming days. I am also trying to figure out how exactly to win that Ford Fusion so when I get those details worked out I'll let you know. I DO know that starting April 30th you will have an opportunity to vote for my "house party" to help increase my chances of winning the car PLUS when you cast your vote you will get entered to win a cash prize, pretty cool huh!!!
This party is going to be Off the Hook!!
(sorry..... I'll stop with the lingo)
PS If "off the hook" means something offensive please forgive me and please let me know so I will make sure to delete this from my vocabulary.
Now I must get back to planning the upcoming Imagination Movers Party that is in less than 48 hours!!!!!!!! Focus Niki, Focus.
Me, Tom, and Jesus
Let me start by officially going on record for saying "I have NEVER had a crush on Tom Cruise," Even during the "Top Gun" phase of his career, he just didn't do it for me. Of course my list of celebrity crushes could be the topic of a whole new post; I've had some weird ones that I can't even explain the attraction- I mean Scott Hamilton, the figure skater?!?! What was I thinking.........
I write all that to say, even though Tom has never been the object of my affection for some reason when I am practicing my future encounters with a celebrity Tom is ALWAYS the first star that comes to mind. Weird, huh?
Ok so here is how my daydream usually works out:
I am at a post office checking my PO Box (note: I don't have a PO Box, nor have I ever had one but for some reason this scene takes place in the post office- funny, I am only now questioning why this daydream ALWAYS has me at a Post Office.....). Well unbeknownst to me Tom is also in this post office, incognito- of course. Well I must have had a very happy or peaceful look on my face because Tom walked right up to me and said "I can't help but notice you have such a look of peace about you. What is your secret?" At this point in the story I sometimes recognize who he is and at other times I am still clueless to his true identity but my response is always the same- "Jesus, Jesus is the reason I have peace."
At this time Tom gets offended and starts preaching to me about Scientology or whatever he practices (to be honest this does not occupy a lot of my dream time because I don't know enough about the "religion" for Tom to pose a great argument and I typically don't take the time to research something just for the sake of my imagination). At the conclusion of his rebuttal (by the way- while he is yelling at me I am just standing there listening with the most peaceful, angelic face) I very calmly ask- "Do you have peace?" and sometimes I ask "Are you happy, Tom?" This stops him cold in his tracks. At this point he becomes a weeping mess. He says "No, no matter how much money I make or how famous I am or how high I climb on this quest for immortality with Scientology I never feel at rest. I am always seeking something." To which I say "Tom, what your seeking is Jesus. He is your creator and the one and only True God. You were created to love and adore Him, to worship Him and Him alone. And until you accept this your soul is going to continue to wrestle you. But here is the good news, Tom- Jesus loves you, and he wants you to join his family. He and only He can give you the Peace, indescribable Peace, that you so long for."
At this point Tom begins to get excited and he pulls out his checkbook. He says, "Yes that is what I want! Tell me how much it costs and who I make the check out to." At which point I say "Oh Tom, you can't buy it" Tom says, "Oh! Then tell me what I have to do to earn a spot in God's family." "Tom, there is absolutely nothing in this world you could do to possibly EARN God's love." Tom begins to look really discouraged. At this point I step in and tell him the "Good News" God's offer for eternal life with Him, salvation, acceptance into His family is absolutely FREEEEEEEE!!!!! All you have to do is believe and accept his FREE gift of GRACE through his son, our redeemer Jesus Christ!
At this point I walk him through the "Roman Road" and guess what? Tom leaves that post office with a look of indescribable peace.
The daydream ends with the boys and I having a play date with Suri. The boys play while Katie lets me go through her old clothes and take what I want!!!!! And there you have it. Congrats to those that endured the whole post!
Wildcard Wednesday
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What's Up!

Guess What!!!! I've been chosen to host an official Ford American Idol House Party!!! Scream!!!!
What's a house party you ask? Well about 6 months ago I signed up with to see if I could be eligible to host a "Ziplock Organizational Bags" party. You see if selected the Brand Host sends the party hostess a party package that enables you and your guests to sample the product in a party like setting. Sounds like fun, huh? Well no one could be more excited about ziplock organizational bags then me, so I thought I was a sure win and let my imagination go wild with possibilities for my future "organization themed party." A party that could star my label maker- what could be more fun! Sadly, my party was denied! I was not chosen to be an Official Ziplock House Party Hostess- I guess my application did not portray just how "cool" my party would have been.
Fast Forward: So after my ziplock bag rejection I kind of gave up on the whole "house party" hostess dream and would just delete my application reminder emails for upcoming events. That is until I saw the email regarding the Ford American Idol House Party. I believe this is also the same official Watch Party Ryan Seacrest has mentioned each week on Idol. I knew it was a longshot, I mean if I'm not cool enough to host a ziplock bag House Party, how in the world could I be chosen to host an official Ford AI House Party- but I filled out that application anyway. I worked really hard on it and even used the phrase "freaken awesome" when asked to describe what my Idol Watch Party would look like if selected- just to spice up the "coolness" factor on my application. Well..... I guess it worked!!!!! I got the email today saying that I have been 1 of 1000 chosen out of over 9000 applications to be an official hostess!!!!
Sooooo what does that mean to you? You're all invited!! I have not worked out the official details of the party BUT if you want an invitation just email me your email address and I'll send you the evite. Ford will be mailing me an official party package as the event gets closer complete with party favors for all my guests. AND if my House Party sounds really cool we could even be on TV! SCREAM!!!! AND I could even win a Ford Fusion and tickets to the American Idol 2 day finale!!! DOUBLE SCREAM!!!!
Even if you don't think you will be able to attend the actual event go ahead and send me your email so you can participate in the official preevent blog party at
Zone 1- Kitchen
- Clean Fridge inside & Out
- Clean Light Fixtures
- Shine Sink (I use the turtle wax to shine my sink)
Day 2- Wednesday
- Clean and organize all cabinets
- Clean and organize all drawers
- Clean outside of cabinets
Day 3- Thursday
- Clean oven
- Clean stovetop
- Clean all knick knacks (everything that sits on top of the counters ex: coffee pot)
- Clean Microwave
Day 4- Friday
- Clean and organize pantry
- Clean Floors
- Clean behind Fridge
- Clean baseboards
Day 5- Saturday
- Detail highchair
- Dust Buffet and Cookbooks
- Clean inside and out china cabinet
- Dust of polish table
Sunday and Monday- OFF
Tidy Tuesday
Now, IF I had been doing my weekly zone cleaning and day tasks like I was supposed to be doing, theoretically, there would be no need to spend a week cleaning the entire house. BUT because I have really slacked up in this area, this week is payback.
What about you? Anyone out there zone cleaning?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Meals in Review
Pecan Crusted Fish with Peppers and Squash- Loved, Loved, Loved this meal!!! 5 stars (5 is the max stars by the way)
Vegetarian Chili- Didn't love it. I think the baked beans gave it a weird twang. If this is on your menu for the week, I would substitute black or pinto beans for the baked beans. No one in my family or the other family I cook for really enjoyed this one.
Taco Beef Pot Pie- 6 Stars (out of a possible 5)! 4 adults and 2 kids all raved over this dish. I selfishly chose to eat lunch before DH got home today so I could finish up the leftovers without having to share (horrible, I know- just felt like I should confess!)
Dixie Pork Chops- Ok, this was just Ok for me. I thought it was a little bland BUT this is coming from a girl who likes strong flavored, spicy, fiesta on the tongue kind of meals. DH and the other family I cook for really enjoyed the meal. If you try it please let us know what you think.
Emily's Chicken Manicotti- This was a lick your plate kind of meal. 5 stars for sure! This also made great leftovers.
I would love to get your honest feedback and/or suggestions about any of the meals you have tried from this blog. Probably the best place to leave the feedback would be in the comment section of the respective recipe post.
Deal Alert

Deal Alert

Mealtime Monday- accountability
Homemade Pizzas
Go here for the pizza crust recipe I followed.
Note: I used half whole wheat flour half all purpose flour
Another Note: Last time I made the crust I added fresh rosemary and garlic and it was so yummy. I'm kicking myself for forgetting to add these ingredients this time!
Nutrition Information: (crust alone)
Serving Size: 1/15th of recipe
Meal Plan: 119 Calories, 1.5 Starches
I will serve this with a side salad.
Sausage and Rice Casserole
Sausage and Rice Casserole
1 lb. reduced fat sausage (I used a 10oz package)
2 cups cooked rice
1 medium onion, chopped
1 green pepper
8 egg whites
1/2 cup milk
1 can Healthy Request cream of mushroom
2 cups light Velveeta, shredded
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Brown sausage, crumble and drain. Add onion and green pepper and cook until soft. Combine all ingredients. Pour into greased 9x13. Bake uncovered at 350 for 35-40 minutes.
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1/6th of recipe
Meal Plan: ~350 Calories, 3 meats, 2 starches, 1.5 fats
I am going to serve this with green beans.
Crockpot Tamale Pie
Go here for the recipe.
Crockpot Tamale Pie
Note: I used skim milk, 2% cheese
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1/8th of dish
Meal Plan: ~280 Calories, 1 meat, 2.5 starches, 1 vegetable
I am going to serve this with a salad.
Jalapeno Chicken
To lighten up this meal I am going to use my reduced fat cream cheese and turkey bacon.
Go here for the original recipe.
Jalapeno Chicken
Nutrition Information (with modifications)
Serving Size: 4 oz chicken breast
Meal Plan: 350 Calories, 5 oz lean meat, 2 Fat
I am going to serve this with a foil packet of asparagus and rice. Yummy!
Shaghai Pasta
Go here for the recipe
Shanghai Pasta
(you can find bottled plum sauce in the oriental section at Kroger)
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1/4th of recipe
Meal Plan: 387 Calories, 3 meats, 3 starches, 1 vegetable
Mealtime Monday
Monday: Sausage and Rice Casserole. I fully prepped this dish up until final baking. I stored in fridge.
Tuesday: Jalapeno Chicken. I fully prepped this dish up until final baking/grilling. I stored in fridge.
Wednesday: Crockpot Tamale Pie. I dumped all the dry ingredients for the "cornbread topping" into a ziplock bag. I put all the "filling" ingredients into another ziplock bag. I stored both bags in the fridge. Wednesday morning I will dump all the "filling" ingredients into my crockpot. I will then add the milk and egg to the cornmeal mixture and then add to crockpot. Cook on low all day.
Thursday: Shanghai Pasta. I sauteed the green beans and pepper and then dumped them into a freezer ziplock. I added the remaining ingredients to the ziplock (minus the pasta). I did NOT thaw the shrimp. I then stored the bag in the freezer. Wednesday I will transfer from freezer to fridge. Thursday night I will make pasta and stirfry contents of ziplock.
Friday: PARTY!!!
Saturday: Family Reunion
Sunday: Homemade Pizzas. All I did to prep for this dish was to make the pizza crust. I went ahead and baked the crusts for about 8 minutes to hold shape. I then wrapped crusts in aluminum foil and stored in freezer. Saturday I will transfer crust from freezer to fridge. Sunday after church we will top pizzas and bake.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
DRS flair-up
This weekend I realized that Colby's Big 5 year old birthday party is NEXT FRIDAY!!!! A party that Colby has dreamed about and planned (yes, he takes after me) since the day after his last birthday party. And all I have done to prepare for the big event is to send out the invitations to his closest pals. So what does a woman with DRS do when things are down to the wire and it looks like there is no way to pull off the event she too has imagined for the last year................... SHE CLEANS!!!
That's right the DRS sufferer is often unable to focus on the Big picture and therefore often misprioritizes how she spends her time in preparation for the event. For example, tonight while panicked thinking about everything that I have to do this week, guess what I did? Ran to the store to pick up Colby's gift?- no. Planned out an Imagination Mover's game?- nope. Finalized the menu? no again........... I detailed the kitchen. That's right every cabinet has been wiped out, the oven and cooktop have been sprayed with oven cleaner, the junk drawer has been dejunked and my sink is currently shining from the turtle wax. Now the healthy woman would recognize that her 4 and 5 year old guests will more then likely not be running a white glove across the top of her refrigerator BUT to the DRSer she can not rest knowing that there is even the slightest chance a guest could peek inside the pantry and find green beans sitting in the tomatoes labeled spot! Did I mention the guests were 4 and 5 year old BOYS!!! Sick, Sick, Sick! Some might mistake these symptoms as simply OCD but not me, I know the truth- Donna Strikes Again!!!
Before I leave you, I would like to use this space on the Internet to map out my Master Plan/Schedule/Goals for the week to assure everything gets done in time for the Big Event. Feel free to ignore.
Sunday: Clean Kitchen, Plan out Master Plan, Get Hobby Lobby List ready check
Monday: Clean Master Bedroom/Bathroom/Closet (couldn't dare host an event with an unorganized closet (sick)), Go to Hobby Lobby, Plan out game, Decide on Cake, Birthday Crafts
Tuesday: Clean Dining Room and Office, find things for "noisy room", get gift/s
Wednesday: Clean Kids Bedrooms, figure out food table, make I.M. name badges
Thursday: Clean bathrooms and living room, do planters, make sign, final shopping, cake, make snacks
Friday: Clean all floors, decorate, PARTY!!!! Take lots of pictures
Saturday: Reflect and write birthday boy a letter.
Sonday Sunday
I love this verse. As a natural worrier, the Holy Spirit is often whispering this verse to me as a reminder of WHO is in control. This verse starts out with a command and ends with a promise. Although we as humans might not always keep our end of the deal (the command) the Lord is 100% faithful in keeping His (the promise).
I got to witness first hand God fulfilling his promise in a miraculous way this week. As many of you know, my friend Emily's house was destroyed by a fire on Easter Sunday. Personally, I would think "house fire" would rank right up there with death, divorce, chronic illness, etc. on the list of major life changing stressors. And in my human nature it would be very hard to see any "good" that could come of such a devastating event. But let me tell you what I heard my friend Emily say with undeniable sincerity just 3 days after the event, she said "It was worth the fire to get to experience the PEACE I am feeling right now." Wow!!!! Read it again.......... Wow!!!!! (It makes me tear up just writing it!) Only God could provide this magnitude of PEACE that truly does transcend All understanding! What a God we serve!!