Friday, June 26, 2009
What in the world!?!?!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thrifty Thursday
For Walgreens and Target I ALWAYS turn to AND I also will sometime check in with
Kroger is a little tricker. If I don't want to wait until Sunday (or late Saturday night) for the deals to post on, I will go get a copy of the Kroger flyer on Wednesday or access it online at and then go to and look under "forums" for Kroger Delta Region. At the Delta Region Kroger forum there is sometimes someone who will kindly do the match-ups BUT sometimes no one does it. If no one does the match-ups I will go over to the coupon database at hotcouponworld and search for my own match-ups. Give it a try!
I would love to hear about some of your favorite websites for coupon match-ups/deal alerts.
As for me: I really don't ever think I could go back to my noncoupon days now that I know how much money I can save playing the coupon game (of course I never thought I would be giving up the blog....lesson: Never say Never! anyways..........) so you should still be able to find me dancing down the kroger aisles late Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.
Happy Savings!!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Zone 5- laundry, garage, car
- Wipe down Washer and Dryer
- Organize Laundry cabinets
- Sort through and toss all out of date medications
Day 2- Wednesday
- Clean Laundry Floors
- Clean behind washer and dryer (odd months only)
- Clean out Lint trap (even months only)
- Clean Trash Can
Day 3- Thursday
- Clean out all of car clutter
- Vacuum inside of car
- Clean carseats
- Wipe dust off dashboard and paneling
- Wash car
Day 4- Friday
- Organize garage closet
- Organize tools and tool bench
- Organize right side of garage (odd months)
- Organize left side of garage (even months)
- Sweep out garage
Day 5- Saturday
- Clean up flower-beds
- Change wreath on door
- Sweep Porch
Tidy Tuesday
We are set to close just as soon as the appraisal is done on the new house. By the looks of my current house you would never believe that I am actually pumped about getting into the new house and figuring out a new cleaning schedule. I am giddy just thinking about all the labeling opportunities... In fact, as soon as I get done with this post I am going to order a new shipment of labels so my label maker has plenty of backup for the task ahead.
As for the future: for those of you who have enjoyed zone cleaning know you can always come back to DRS and click on the zones in the archives. Or even better, I recommend visiting to help you develop your own system of home management.
As for me: I think me and flylady might have a refresher course once I hit the new house.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mealtime Monday Support
As for me: I will definitely continue with my weekly marathon cooking/prep day. Sure there have been a few weeks I was not in the mood to spend 1.5 hours in the kitchen BUT I was ALWAYS glad the meals were done once the craziness of the work week began and I didn't have to worry about "what's for dinner." Although I would love to think I would plan my menu a month at a time- I betcha this will turn into a week by week task. The other family I cook for is excited they can request meals when ever they want again rather then making sure no meal is repeated within the same month!
Please leave a comment if you have any other hints/resources for helping fellow DRSers with their future Mealtime Mondays!
Southwest Eggrolls

Southwest Eggrolls
1 bag of shredded cabbage and carrot mix (coleslaw mix)
1 lb ground chicken, turkey, or extra lean ground beef
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 can black beans well drained
1 can corn well drained
25-30 Athens Fillo dough sheets
3 Tbsp butter melted
Preheat oven to 425
Spray a deep pan with Pam, toss in cabbage, carrots, and 1/2 of taco seasoning. Put a lid on it, stir as needed. Meanwhile, combine meat with remainder of spices and brown. After the meat is cooked, combine it with the vegetables including drained corn and blackbeans. Make sure Fillo dough has thawed (otherwise very hard to roll out) Place 1/4 cup of meat/veg mix on top of Fillo sheet and roll up like an egg roll (illustration to follow) I usually use 2 Fillo sheets per eggroll. Brush the top with butter for browning and flavor. Makes about 22 eggrolls!
Meal Plan
Serving Size: 1 egg roll
Meal Plan: 140 Calories, 1 starch, 1 meat, 1 vegetable
I am going to add a little bit of the taco seasoning packet to some light Ranch dressing and use this as both a dip for the egg rolls and a dressing for a side salad! I got an avocado to add to our side salad-yummy!
Turkey Burgers with Mustard Sauce
go here for recipe.
Turkey Burgers with Mustard Sauce
Nutrition Information: (based on bhg analysis- feel it can be a lot lighter with the extra lean turkey)
Serving Size: 1/4th of recipe
Meal Plan: 610 Calories, 4 meats, 3 starches, 4 fats
I am going to serve this chips and salsa
Stir-fry Shrimp with Cheesy Grits
Go here to see recipe.
Stir-Fry Shrimp with Cheesy Grits
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1/4th of recipe
Meal Plan: 385 Calories, 4 meats, 1 starch, 1 vegetable, and 2.5 fats
I am going to cook up some green beans to go along with this meal.
Artichoke Spinach Lasagna
Go here for recipe
Artichoke and Spinach Lasagna
Nutrition Information: (according to
Serving Size: 1/8th of recipe
Meal Plan: 427 Calories, 3 meats, 2 starches, 2 vegetables, 2 fats
Crockpot Asian Shredded Beef
Go here for recipe
Asian Shredded Beef
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 3 oz meat (lean roast)
Meal Plan: ~260 Calories, 3 meat, 1 starch, 1/2 fat
I am going to serve this with cabbage and rice
Mealtime Monday
- Turkey Burgers for 2 families
- Southwest Eggrolls for 2 families (this took around 30 min. alone)
- Asian Beef for 1 family
- Spinach Artichoke Lasagna for 1 family
I chose not to make the shrimp with cheesy grits ahead of time. Here is your prep and eat schedule:
Monday- Turkey Burgers. To premade the turkey patties according to the recipe and separated each patty with foil (out of wax paper) and stored in fridge. I also premixed sauce. Tonight we will through those turkeys on the Barbie and enjoy!
Tuesday Night- Southwest Eggroll. I fully prepared eggrolls according to recipe and stored in fridge (I bet these would freeze nicely too). Tuesday night I will take out of fridge and bake.
Wednesday Night- Crockpot Asian Beef. I dumped all the ingredients into a ziplock bag and stored in fridge. Wednesday morning I will dump contents of ziplock bag into crockpot and cook on low all day.
Thursday Night: Shrimp with Cheesy Grits. Thursday night I will have to fully prepare this recipe.
Friday and Saturday Night: Leftovers and Pantry challenge
Sunday: Spinach and Artichoke Lasagna. I fully prepared recipe up until final baking and stored in the freezer. Saturday afternoon I will transfer from freezer to fridge to begin thawing. Sunday I will pop the dish into the oven after church.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Farewell to DRS week
When I started this blog January 1st of this year I really thought it would be my ultimate tool for achieving full Donna Reed status via world wide web accountability. What instead happened, was I began spending more time writing about my plan and less time implementing the plan. I dreamed of being the perfect wife and instead my DH began resenting the time I was spending on the computer-ouch! I wanted the perfect house but by the time I finished my daily posts I was too pooped to clean. I wanted to be the perfect mommy- but instead of quality time with my kids there were days I felt like my time with them was more or less something to check off my list- not good. And my quite times with the Lord- what quite times?!?! So needless to say my experiment was a bust.
Not to say, I haven't had fun. Oh I have. I will miss you all terribly. I have loved having an outlet to share all my craziness and I especially enjoyed reading your comments. I tell you it was your comments that gave me the energy to make it as far as I did on this little project.
I would love to think that I will be back on the blog in the near future BUT I need someone out there who is immune to DRS to teach me how to make it more manageable. In the meantime, this week I am going to try to give you some helpful hints and resources you can use in the future to help you cope with your DRS without me.
For ol' time sake, I'm going to put a Mr. Linky up so you can record your thoughts.